Sustainability in Manufacturing

·       What It Is

·       Why it’s Necessary

·       Why Now

·       $$$’s Behind It.

·       My Take.

What it is.

According to the EPA sustainability in manufacturing is:

“The creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources.”

Why it’s necessary.

Manufacturing uses excessive amounts of water and energy in virtually all industry sectors, generates considerable waste, and releases greenhouse gasses.

Why Now.

“Significant change is afoot [in manufacturing], and it necessitates bigger thinking,” reports industry-leading consulting firm Deloitte in 2021. “Those unprepared may find themselves being left behind.”

$$$’s Behind It.

In 2022, the Carbon Disclosure Project reported that 590 investors with over $110 trillion in assets are requesting thousands of companies to disclose their environmental data and initiatives.

My Take.

We must never forget that sustainability in manufacturing also means treating workers responsibly, ensuring their on-the-job safety, and paying living wages with benefits. 

Stephen P. Ashkin is president of the Ashkin Group, a consulting firm specializing in Green cleaning and sustainability.  He is considered the “father of Green Cleaning;” is on the Board of the Green Sports Alliance; and has been inducted into the International Green Industry Hall of Fame (IGIHOF).

He is also helping the professional cleaning turn sustainability into cost savings.  He can be reached at


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