Thoughts: What We Have Learned About Climate Change

We have learned that the Earth is not ours to abuse.

We have learned that we are not above the laws of nature. 

We have learned that our actions have consequences.

We have learned that the climate is changing.

We have learned that ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising. 

We have learned that extreme weather events are becoming more common.

We have learned that climate change is becoming a global crisis.

We have learned that we need to act now; we cannot afford to wait any longer. 

We have learned that it is greenhouse emissions causing the problem.

We have learned we need to change our lifestyles and live more sustainably.

We have learned this is a global issue that will require us all to address.

We have learned that we can make a difference.

We have learned we can create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

We have learned.


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


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