
What’s New

News Articles, Industry & Policy Developments, and Critical Information


Askin Group CEO, Steve Ashkin, gives a simplified 8-step guide for building the foundations of your companies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

The article outlines the actions needed for success such as building a program that is in alignment with your organization’s mission statement, finding an internal team dedicated to your CSR mission, and external partners to help when needed.


CleanLink details one of the key components to cut-down on COVID-19 transmission risk. Proper ventilation technology, coupled with a facility management plan to allow for outdoor airflow based on weather.

What becomes critical, is the condition and capability of the facilities. Modern HVAC systems allow for outdoor air to be mixed in with the circulating air. Lastly, items like advanced filtration systems can cut down on COVID-19 pathogens, by capturing droplets carrying COVID-19 particles.


In the July article, we discuss the ongoing concerns associated with new products, particularly hand sanitizers, disinfectants, and industrial cleaners that are being rushed to market to capitalize on COVID-19 related demand.

The recommendation is a consistent effort to review new and updated information from groups like the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Environmental Protection Agency, with resources like ‘List-N’ which provides information about EPA approved disinfectants approved for use against COVID-19.


In the June 2020 Cleaning & Maintenance Management article, the author discusses some of the lesser spoken-about impacts of COVID-19 for facility owners, cleaning service providers, and chemical manufacturers.

Topics include proper training and protection for facility service workers, the impact of COVID on customer behavior and future purchasing practices. Furthermore, Ashkin, points to a recent study by G&A Institute, showing 85% of Standard & Poor’s 500 Companies working to maintain sustainability plans throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


CleanLink provides a brief synopsis of the new green building rating system, “Safety First: Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Space.” The system, along with a new selection of pilot credits seek to expand the LEED Rating System to provide guidance and metrics for safely reopening facilities using the best practices to mitigate risk associated with COVID-19.


Reopening & COVID-19

Critical information for building owners and policy makers during COVID-19.

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