Six Tips on Using ATP Monitors

While ATP monitors are one of the most reliable indicators we have to measure cleaning performance, we need to ensure we use them properly to take advantage of this technology.  

It is something I teach cleaning workers and facility managers worldwide, many of whom are just now getting focused on the importance of testing and evaluating cleaning effectiveness.

ATP monitors are not complicated to use. But to use them correctly, here are six things we need to know:

  1. The ATP monitor you select will come with an instruction manual or quick guide.  These are usually designed with graphics so they are easy to follow and can be used by people speaking different languages. Post the quick guide in the janitor’s closet so that it is readily available.

  2. Know that soil distribution on the surface can vary. In fact, it often varies. If there are concerns about the cleanliness of a surface, conduct several tests in the same general area. This will give you a more accurate evaluation of how clean that surface area is.

  3. Always assess a surface area of at least four inches by four inches. 

  4. After swabbing a surface, place the swab in the monitor and gently shake it from side to side for a few seconds. Then close the lid within one minute.

  5. The ATP monitor will report the amount of contamination on a surface. A high reading, indicating a large amount of ATP, means the surface must be recleaned; a low rating indicates the surface has been adequately cleaned or does not need further cleaning.

  6. Proper training is mandatory and often works best when several cleaning workers are taught simultaneously. In a group setting, they may raise questions others are also wondering about.

There is something else we need to do.

Those of us working in the same facilities daily may no longer be aware of where soil and pathogens are building up on surfaces. I often recommend bringing an outside pair of eyes – a janitorial distributor familiar with ATP systems – to walk through the facility and identify areas that may need attention but have become overlooked.

Astute jansan distributors can be walking encyclopedias. Please don’t be shy about asking them for help, especially when it comes to protecting health and cleaning effectiveness. 


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