Re-Defining Cleaning for Health

From My Presentation at ISSA 2022 | Re-Defining Cleaning for Health

Our Three Key Priorities:

Priority #1 – Health
“Health is the state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Michael A. Berry, PhD

Priority #2 – Thoroughness
Thorough handwashing is not just about
the amount of time or the frequency.

Priority #3 – Measurement
“Work implies not only that somebody is
supposed to do the job, but also
accountability, a deadline and, finally, the
measurement of results —that is, feedback
from results on the work and on the
planning process itself.”
Peter Drucker

8 Tips for Cleaning for Health:
1. Leverage Suppliers
2. Focus on High-Touch Points
3. Select Green products
4. Reduce Cross- Contamination
5. Technology and Measurement
6. Intentionally Innovate
7. Occupant Policies
8. Health

To learn more, click here - and thank you. We want you to stay healthy. This information is important for you, your family, and all those using your facility.

And Remember: Choose to be optimistic - we have the ability to make things better?



Green and Sustainable Are Not the Same


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