Questions We Need to Ask Ourselves Now

The goal of our industry is to clean for health. But how do we know if we are accomplishing this?


Floor safety: When was the last time we tested our clients’ floors for slip resistance? The label on the floor finish will indicate its slip resistance (coefficient of friction) and provide a numerical rating of 0.1 to 1.0 with 0.5 the figure set for safety.

But have we recently tested this coefficient of friction? With time, climate, foot traffic, mopping, and floor maintenance, the numerical rating may have drifted below 0.5, meaning a slip and fall accident may be right around the corner.

Dilution testing: We know List-N disinfectants will kill COVID, but many things can negatively impact their effectiveness. Has the disinfectant been diluted properly? How are the disinfectants being applied? Are the tools and equipment used clean, or are they contaminated?

These and other factors can impact the effectiveness of the disinfectant and how well we protect human health.

Solution testing: We know as we mop floors, the cleaning solution becomes contaminated. What we don’t know is how quickly this happens. When it is time to change the solution and, along with it, select a fresh mop?

Does the solution become too contaminated for use after, for instance, each classroom floor cleaned in a school? Or can we clean several classrooms, sure the cleaning solution is still fresh enough to use and maintain cleaning effectiveness?

Changing the cleaning solution too frequently is costly and wasteful. Too infrequently, we may be spreading germs and bacteria, defeating the entire purpose of cleaning and, for that matter, the goal of our industry.

I bring these questions to your attention because the need to professionalize our industry and prove the effectiveness of cleaning has never been greater. Let’s work together to make this happen.

Very best,


Be smart. Be strong. Be safe. Together we’ll get through this.

#cleaningforhealth #cleaningservices #healthandsafetymanagement #floorcleaning #maintenance #covid #testing


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