Just Released: Deloitte 2023 Sustainability Report

Deloitte’s survey of more than 2,000 Chief Experience Officers (CxOs) across 24 countries was released on January 16, 2023.

It finds that most CxOs remain optimistic that the world will take sufficient steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Key Findings:
Sixty percent of CxOs said climate change will have a high/very high impact on their organization’s strategy and operations over the next three years.
Seventy-five percent said their organizations have increased their sustainability investments over the past year.
Almost every organization has felt the impacts of climate change over the past year, and 82 percent of CxOs have been personally impacted.
Sixty-two percent of corporate leaders feel concerned about climate change.

Eighty-four percent believe economic growth can continue while we also accomplish climate change goals.
Actions Now Being Taken:

Fifty-nine percent now use more sustainable materials (e.g., recycled materials).

Fifty-nine percent are increasing energy efficiency.

Fifty-four percent transferred to more energy-efficient machinery and technologies.

Fifty percent train employees on climate change impacts and actions.

Still, only 29 percent of the CXOs believe the private sector is “very” serious about climate change.

My Takeaway:

We continue to move in the right direction. It is a journey. T­­­­­here will be challenges and even stumbles. But the momentum is there. We will reach climate goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ~~ Steve Ashkin


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