It's Not What Business is Doing to the Climate; It's What the Climate is Doing to Business

(2 minute read)

Just like all businesses and organizations, those of us in the professional cleaning industry cannot close our eyes and think climate change will not impact our companies. It will. In fact, it already has.

Distributor deliveries in areas of the country such as Houston, key parts of North Carolina, California, and Florida have all seen their business operations stalled because of extreme weather events closely tied to climate change.

When business operations stall, that means they essentially stop running. When businesses stop running, money is likely not coming in the door. At the very same time, vast amounts of money may be needed for repairs and restoration of business facilities and property. Indeed, not a good situation for any business operation.

To read more, click here: (99+) It's Not What Business is Doing to the Climate; It's What the Climate is Doing to Business | LinkedIn


Understanding the LEED Safety First Pilot Credits. (1-minute read)


Selling Sustainability