How Should We Deal with Climate Change Deniers? Accept them!

Image Caption: In 1900, our planet was blue.

Today, our planet is turning red. This is climate change. NASA Images.

American businessman Philip A. Fisher is credited as saying: “Do not confuse me with the facts. My mind is already made up.”  

While Fisher may have been applying this to business, we can also apply it to many climate change deniers.  

They have made up their minds. That’s it.

Some may change their minds if they are directly impacted by climate change in their own backyards, such as torrential downpours, extreme heat, and even tornados. But let’s not count on it.

However, there is one thing that may cause some to reconsider their stance, and that is business and sales.

How can a salesperson who does not believe in climate change work with clients and organizations that believe it’s important and even essential to their economic success?

 They can’t.

Climate- and sustainability-focused organizations want everyone on the same page regarding many issues, including climate change, and the research proves it.

A 2017 study published in Forbes found that 76 percent of those surveyed would “decline to do business” with someone or a company that held views that conflicted with their beliefs.

This means presenting climate change deniers with another scientific study about the impacts of climate change will have negligible effect. But when it impacts their pocketbook, then we might see some change.          


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